The Wealth Process2019-12-08T23:15:49+00:00

The Wealth Process

Most people want to have financial independence, but more than often, their values are not aligned with this goal. In practice, this can translate to having little to no money left in their bank accounts to ensure financial independence at the end of the month. And while the intention of saving money never disappears, after the beginning of each month, money gets spent again on personal priorities.

Prosperity has two essential components: worth from others, that shows how much you care about other people, and how much you wish to support and help them solve their problems. On the other side, self-worth, that shows how much you appreciate yourself so that you ask what you deserve for the services you offered.

And, in order for the mind to support behaviors that favor prosperity, it’s necessary to support the formation of new neural circuits that assist these two components. In fact, this process is vital so that the mind not only sees the opportunities to serve but also sees how these opportunities can be turned into money.


  • You start knowing your worth, and you are able to ask for a fair exchange of values
  • You are not afraid of charging the amount you want for your services
  • Your income increases considerably – it doubles or triples
  • Your sales and negotiation skills increase
  • You see opportunities and have the ability to turn them into businesses


  • You start knowing your worth, and you are able to ask for a fair exchange of values
  • You are not afraid of charging the amount you want for your services
  • Your income increases considerably – it doubles or triples
  • Your sales and negotiation skills increase
  • You see opportunities and have the ability to turn them into businesses

Structure of the programme*

  • It dissolves the feelings of guilt and shame: prosperity’s biggest enemies. These perceptions are similar to mental programs that teach you that you are not worthy of receiving.
  • It closes the loops related to money and unsettled debts. These closures allow you to see there’s a perfect balance in everything, and that in each situation, an equal exchange of values takes place between you and another person.
  • It teaches you how to ask for the right amount of money and make a fair exchange for the services you provide, without feeling any restraint or fear.
  • It Increases the value you place on money and allows you to notice the opportunities and transform them into money. Also, you’ll notice your income will increase right away.

* The programme also guarantees 100% results if every stage gets fully completed.