The Grieving Process2019-12-09T00:54:52+00:00

The Grieving Process

Most times, when you lose someone, you feel sorrow for a long time, and it’s difficult to go back to your life as it was before. And, of course, some routines are closely connected to the person that left your life, and doing those alone can be hard to handle because they constantly remind you of that person. Also, you might feel like calling them or might want to enjoy once again activities which that person used to enjoy with you, but these things are no longer possible, so what do you do then? You yearn for that person’s presence and regret all the bad things you said to them, and really want to hold them just one more time.

If it’s a break up with someone with whom you had a relationship in which you invested a lot, you’ll also experience emotional pain. From time to time, you’d still want to be able to talk to them, for things to be like before, call them or receive their messages that used to make you happy.
You wish to reconnect or… just to let them go and move on and overcome the pain of the break-up.

You wish to go back to your normal life, heal and be able to rebuild it with someone else.

Sometimes thoughts like “I am sorry for not having told him/her something I hid from her/him,” “I should have done,” or “I should not have done/said this ” haunt you, and won’t let you move on with your life.


  • Dissolves the grief of losing someone dear and the pain of a break-up

  • Allows you to move on with your life faster

  • Allows you to remember the person with a lot of love

  • Allows you to be present with the person who left without any regrets of hard feelings

  • Lets you live without feelings of guilt or regrets about what you did or did not do for the other person


  • Dissolves the grief of losing someone dear and the pain of a break-up

  • Allows you to move on with your life faster

  • Allows you to remember the person with a lot of love

  • Allows you to be present with the person who left without any regrets of hard feelings

  • Lets you live without feelings of guilt or regrets about what you did or did not do for the other person

Structure of the programme

  • Identifying  your personal values and priorities

  • Identifying the traits that you’re missing in the person that left or with whom you broke up

  • Identification of the new forms in which what you are missing appeared and the benefits of the new forms for you

  • Dissolving the guilt you feel towards yourself and the person who left