Emotional Healing2019-12-09T00:21:30+00:00

Emotional Healing

In life, it often happens that frustration, discontent, and dissatisfaction prevent you from living your file to the fullest. Frustrations also appear because of the nature of our relationship with your parents, life partners, children, family, boss, or colleague; you name it. And if these people constantly push your buttons, you can find yourself experiencing strong emotional states that are not easy to handle.

You also accumulate fury and resentment, and you might even experience frequent headaches or stomach aches. Perhaps you compare your life to others’, or to an ideal image you have in your head of how you think your life should look like, and regret having made certain decisions or not taking them in the first place. Sometimes these frustrations are strictly connected to your actions, and you judge yourself for what you did or did not do.

Now, you’d like to make a change, but perhaps you feel that you don’t have enough energy or that you’d need another chance, or that perhaps the price of the change could be too high. And so, you choose to stay in a situation that pushes your buttons even though you feel it is no longer serving you as it should.


  • It changes the behavior of the people that push your buttons
  • Brings peace and equilibrium between you and the person you had feelings of resentment and anger towards
  • Re-establishes your inner-balance
  • Brings inner peace, harmony and opens many doors of opportunities
  • It helps you process your strongest negative emotions


  • It changes the behavior of the people that push your buttons
  • Brings peace and equilibrium between you and the person you had feelings of resentment and anger towards
  • Re-establishes your inner-balance
  • Brings inner peace, harmony and opens many doors of opportunities
  • It helps you process your strongest negative emotions

Structure of the programme

  • We identify your personal priorities for yourself.

  • We identify the negative emotional charge you hold against the person with whom you fought.

  • We identify the positive emotional charge that you also feel towards the person for whom you feel the resentment (you or somebody else).

  • We calibrate resentment until you start to feel gratitude towards the person who made you feel this way in the first place.